Kiki's Delivery Service


    This photo was taken the day I met her. She is a Munchkin British Shorthair, with short legs and dark blue and white fur. Because I'm so into Miyazaki's movies, I named her Jiji, which is the name of the witch's black cat in Kiki's Delivery Service. We don't speak each other's language, but we do communicate, a lot. We always listen to each other, and actually, we do understand each other. 

    13-year-old Kiki moves to a seaside town with her talking cat, Jiji, to spend a year alone, in accordance with her village's tradition for witches in training. After learning to control her broomstick, Kiki sets up a flying courier service at the seaside bakery and soon becomes a fixture in the community.  But when the insecure young witch begins questioning herself and loses her magic abilities, she must overcome her self-doubt to get her powers back.

My favorite quotes:

“We each need to find our own inspiration, Kiki. Sometimes it's not easy.” - Ursula (a nature painter)

“We can fly with our spirit.” - Kiki

“I think it's better to leave with decorum and great dignity.” - Jiji (Kiki's cat) (and my cat 🌻)

“Without even thinking about it, I used to be able to fly. Now I'm trying to look inside myself and find out how I did it. ” - Kiki

“I think something's wrong with me. I make friends, then suddenly I can't bear to be with any of them. Seems like that other me, the cheerful and honest one, went away somewhere.” - Kiki

“Stop trying. Take long walks. Look at scenery. Doze off at noon. Don't even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you'll be flying again.” - Ursula (a nature painter)

“Maybe I can stay and find some other nice people who will like me and accept me for who I am.” - Kiki

“Just follow your heart and keep smiling.” - Kokiri (Kiki's mother)

    We've all hit a low point. When a skill you're so proud of suddenly disappears, slow down. Stop trying and look around. Enjoy all the blessings around you. And then, pretty soon, you'll be ready again.
