My Neighbor Totoro

    This photo was taken the day I met him. He's a white British Shorthair with some sliver fur on his back. He looks like the tiny Totoro. He's a bit naughty and likes to sleep ON my mum's plants, but we forgive him every time. 

    This is a picture of the tiny Totoro (on the left) and the small Totoro (on the right). 

    The 3 Totoros differ greatly in size. Just for your reference.

    This tale follows schoolgirl Satsuke and her younger sister, Mei, as they settle into an old country house with their father and wait for their mother to recover from an illness in an area hospital. As the sisters explore their new home, they encounter and befriend playful spirits in their house and the nearby forest, most notably the massive cuddly creature known as Totoro.

My favorite quotes:

“To-to-ro? You're Totoro!... I bet you're Totoro...” - Mei Kusakabe

“Trees and people used to be good friends. I saw that tree and decided to buy the house. Hope Mom likes it too.” - Tatsuo Kusakabe (father)

“Can some ghosts live upstairs?” - Mei Kusakabe

“If we all keep smiling, the sprites may gradually go away and leave this place alone. Yes, I'm sure that somewhere up in that ceiling, they're busily discussing plans for leaving the house.” - Kanta's Grandmother

“It isn't the end of the world. Your old Nanny's here to help. Let's see that beautiful smile.” - Kanta's Grandmother

“Well, I'm not sure, but I could've sworn that I saw both of the girls up in the treetop, laughing.” - Yasuko Kusakabe (mother)


    Only the most innocent and sincere people can see Totoro. There is a Totoro in everyone's heart.
